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Stokkebjerg Skov Megalitgrav | Burial Chamber or Dolmen | Denmark | Sjælland | Visited | 1st May 2018 | 2 | 4 | 4 | Love the duck on Lommestenen (the pocket stone, in the water below the burial chamber. An ‘erratic’ boulder left behind by the glacial ice some 17,000 years ago, it is reputed by legend to have been aimed by a giant across the Isefjord at the Church a couple of kilometres from here, but missed) ... Read More |
Stenstrup Troldhøj Jættestue | Passage Grave | Denmark | Sjælland | Visited | 1st Jun 2015 | 5 | 5 | 5 | This is NOT called Stenstrup Troldhøj Jættestue but Stenstrup Jættestuer. Troldhøjvej is near Nyrup, closer to Nykøbing, where there is also a fine tumulus, called Birkehøj. | ||
Højby Langdysse | Long Barrow | Denmark | Sjælland | Visited | 1st Oct 2014 | 4 | 5 | 4 | Beautifully situated just off a dirt track that's actually somebody's access road. The barrow is surrounded by a cultivated field so you can't get closer than about 20 m right now. Just a bit further along the road and off left is Syvhøj (seven mounds) of which one was removed in C19 to make roads.... Read More |
Hamlets Grav Langdysse | Long Barrow | Denmark | Sjælland | Visited | 1st Aug 2014 | 3 | 4 | 3 | In Grevinge Forest in Odsherred, north of Holbæk in Denmark. The Hamlet name was first associated with this Neolithic Long Barrow millennia after it was erected.
The small burial chamber was once almost entirely covered by a large mound. The surrounding stones kept the soil in place. There are sev... Read More |
Kong Øres Grav Langdysse | Long Barrow | Denmark | Sjælland | Visited | 1st Oct 2013 | 3 | 4 | 4 | This is a fascinating long barrow with a story attached. The site is on the single track through the woods to Sandskredet on the Isefjord. It is nearer Nykøbing Sj. than Holbæk and it is in ODSHERRED. | ||
Højby Toftebjerg Langdysse | Long Barrow | Denmark | Sjælland | Visited | 29th Sep 2014 | 4 | 5 | 4 | Beautifully situated to the right off the road from Højby to Tengslemark, close to the top of the ridge at 27 m above sea level. Until recently largely obscured by bushes and small trees.
According to the National Museum, the Toftebjerg Long Barrow is 15.5 m long and 8 m wide. The burial chamber i... Read More |
Plejerup Langdysse | Long Barrow | Denmark | Sjælland | Visited | 1st Sep 2014 | 4 | 5 | 4 | Highly accessible and with a beautiful view of the Lammefjord and more, to boot. The pictures speak for themselves. More to come. |