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Books on Ancient Mysteries and Measures

See also books on Stonehenge, Avebury and other Megalithic Sites .

Stone Circle Calendars: A New Understanding by Jack Morris-Eyton

Stone Circle Calendars: A New Understanding by Jack Morris-Eyton

Jack Morris-Eyton was an active contributor to Megalithic Portal for many years before his death in 2011. His research, with many additional contributions from David Smyth, has been brought together and just published by his eldest daughter in this new book. The book has over 240 photographs and illustrations, including many of Jack’s own. It is testament to his research and brings an unrivalled insight into one of the most complete great stone circles in the British Isles.

Price: £20+p&p

Part 1 of the book is largely based on Jack’s various published articles on the Megalithic Portal, now in a much more readable and understandable format. This part of the book identifies the similarities between the great stone circles (including Stonehenge and Castlerigg), their layout, how they use the landscape, their stone shapes, and the festival dates they mark.

Part 2 brings together Jack’s research on Swinside stone circle (aka Sunkenkirk) in west Cumbria, now at last with an accurate plan of the site, and new diagrams showing how the site works as an annual and long-term calendar using the sun and the moon. It draws upon both Jack’s published information, and his unpublished field notes, diagrams and drawings, which he left behind following his very sudden passing in 2011. David Smyth has also provided research to add to Jack’s findings at Swinside, including the use of the computer programme Horizon.

Angie Lake adds: I was extremely honoured to receive a copy of this lovely book today, and can recommend it to all of you with interests in Jack's extensive research. It is a professional-looking production with clear diagrams and photos and detailed explanations of Jack's findings. David Smyth worked very hard on gathering it all together in the early stages and I chipped in a few items. Sue has produced a classy book, which has been a real family labour of love. Jack would have been immensely proud of it, bless him.

A New Dimension to Ancient Measures

A New Dimension to Ancient Measures - Dr Thomas Gough and Peter Harris

Paperback, 2021.

After many years of research and fieldwork, Dr Thomas Gough and Peter Harris have published their work as a book. The initial purpose of the research for this book was to establish that a unit of length, the Harris and Stockdale Megalithic Foot, (HSMF), of 1.1785 feet, as deduced by Peter Harris and Norman Stockdale was known and used in prehistoric Britain.

New Lower Price: £10+p&p

In this new specific study, using professionally designed computer programmes and statistical assessment not previously available, the dimensions of stone circles together with other megalithic remains were used to test for use of the HSMF. An unexpected consequence of this was that it revealed much about these megalithic structures and the abilities of the builders. When first found the HSMF unit of length was thought to be a new discovery. However it was soon realised that it was a very ancient unit of measurement, probably originating in Mesopotamia more than 6,000 years ago.

As the analyses of stone ring dimensions using the HSMF are examined, the authors? unavoidable conclusions are that the knowledge and expertise in prehistory was far in advance of what has been considered possible. Knowledge of the celestial values built into stone rings was not necessarily determined in Britain but had possibly been known for a long time. The fact that employment by the megalithic designers of the remains had used the HSMF in the architecture to unify geometry, important time values and astronomy, poses serious questions to our current commonly held views about prehistoric peoples and their capabilities. These issues and the implications are dealt with in the concluding chapter.

As the book provides much of the data that was used by the authors to substantiate their conclusions, it allows the reader to formulate their own opinions as to either verify or reject their proposals. More than that the book challenges readers, to themselves provide an alternative explanation for the evidence presented and subsequent claims of the authors re the validity of the HSMF. The book certainly asks the reader to reflect on the commonly held view of the megalithic people?s supposed limited knowledge and capabilities and poses some serious questions that challenge our view of history and the recent evolution of mankind.

Review: "As if I didn't already think Peter Harris' new book will be an absolute must-read, I was very pleasantly surprised to look at Peter's introductory PDF and observe that the way the data is organized lays bare the relationship between Anomalistic Month and Eclipse Year" - Robert 'Unhenged', Megalithic Portal Forum

Read the introductory PDF with more detail here (PDF)

There is lots more about the book, with discussions in the Megalitic Portal Forum

Meini Hirion and the Sarns of Anglesey

Meini Hirion and the Sarns of Anglesey - William Evans

Small format Paperback, 50 pages, W. O. Jones, reprint of book from 1927

Anglesey has far more than its fair share of standing stones, in keeping with the large quantity of archaeological sites on the island. Most of these are large solitary stones, mainly of Bronze origin although are some that were erected recently.

Since very early times man has puzzled over the reasons for their existence, and many theories have been put forward. generally these have been that they were great places of importance to the people of the time, possibly of "religious" significance. Dr. William Evans noticed that there was a pattern to their layout on Anglesey. Certainly in the area roughly south of Cemaes there are standing stones marked on the Ordnance Survey maps which are aligned vaguely in the way described in this book.

Price £6.00+p&p

The sceptical amongst us will point out that the geological formation and later the glaciers that covered Anglesey had resulted in all the lumps and bumps on the landscape becoming aligned roughly in a NNE to SSW direction. This glacial platform that we call Anglesey would have given ancient man an ideal canvas on which to place his markers in a regular pattern for whatever reason.

After Dr. Evans ( Wil Ifan o Fon ) had written his book which he had intended to self-publish, he approached a printer in Llangefni. This book became the very first job to be printed on a Monotype letter casting machine at W. O. Jones the printers. A subscription list was raised and copies were duly printed. However, the establishment strongly disagreed with his theories and it had a very bad reception. He had collected a few copies, but he was so upset by this very bad press that most were left with the printer and the job remained unpaid. This is an effort by the grandson of W. O. Jones to bring this work to the notice of the public for their scrutiny.

A Modern Builder's Guide to the Megalithic Revival

Stone Circles, A Modern Builder's Guide to the Megalithic Revival - Rob Roy

Paperback, 370pp. Chelsea Green, 1999.

This is the best book available for would-be stone circle builders.

Rob Roy has travelled extensively to learn how stone circles are constructed, he presents hard-to-find information on how to move and align giant stones for your own sacred circles, and introduces us to the present day characters who have built their own.

Only £18.99+p&p

See also our mixed selection of books on Ancient Man and Mysteries

This page on Bargain Cheap Earth Mysteries Books last edited on Monday, 10-Jun-2024 09:30:10 UTC